Terms and Conditions of Website Use

All communications regarding this website should be addressed to the Manager at email address info@klight.co.za.

These terms constitute a contract and govern your use of this website. Your use of our website is subject to your acceptance of these terms and conditions and if you do not consent to these terms, then you will not have access to our emails.


The content and design of the website pages are subject to copyright owned by us or used under licence from third party copyright owners. You are welcome to print pages for your personal use but no part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted for any other purpose. All material found on this website, unless otherwise noted, is owned by us. You are not permitted to copy, reproduce, or use any such material without our prior written consent.

Disclaimer and amendments

The information contained in this website is subject to change occasioned by future legislative enactments and court decisions. Accordingly, we may amend these terms and conditions at any time and same shall be effective from date of such amendment. 

It is your responsibility to review these terms and conditions on a regular basis and to ensure that you agree with any amendments to these terms. If you do not agree with any amendments to these terms, you may no longer use this website.


Any provision of these terms and conditions which is or may become illegal, invalid or unenforceable shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability and shall be treated pro non scripto (as if it were not written) and shall be from these terms and conditions, without invalidating the remaining provisions of these website terms and conditions.

Your Actions

You agree to comply with all local laws, rules and regulations which govern your website use as well as to adhere to generally acceptable Internet etiquette. copy, modify, create an adaptation of, reverse engineer, decompile or otherwise attempt to extract the website’s source code or any part thereof, unless this is expressly permitted or required by law, or unless we have specifically told you that you may do so, in writing.

You agree to comply with our Privacy Policy, which is to be read in the context of these website terms and conditions and which can be found on our website.


Your use of and reliance on this website is entirely at your own risk. To the fullest extent permissible by law, we disclaim all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including without limitation to the implied warranties that the contents of the website is fit for any purpose.

You accept that your use of the website shall, in no event whatsoever, give rise to a claim by us for direct, indirect, special, consequential or punitive damages, notwithstanding any clause to the contrary.


You hereby indemnify us for any damages that you may suffer as a result of your use of the website.

Rights Infringements

If you are of the view that your rights have been infringed through unlawful website use by users or third parties, please advise us at the following email address: info@klight.co.za.

Disclosures in Terms of the ECT Act

Access to the content on or through this website and this website itself are classified as “electronic transactions” in terms of the ECT Act and therefore you have the rights detailed in Chapter VII of the ECT Act and we have the duty to the disclose the following information:

Our full name and legal status: K/Light Import cc
Street address: 7 Kunene Circle, Omuramba Business Park, Milnerton, 7441
Postal address: PO Box 50296, Waterfront, 8002
Physical address for receipt of legal service: Same as above (street address)
Main business: Lighting Import
Website address: www.klight.co.za
Official email address: info@klight.co.za
Membership of self-regulatory or accreditation bodies: Codes of conduct to which we subscribe: Governing terms of use: These Terms
Manual in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000: A Promotion of Access to Information Act Manual has not been published as yet
Management: Please email the Manager at info@klight.co.za
Costs associated with the access to and use of this website: Not applicable
Dispute resolution: We have not provided for a specific dispute resolution process for disputes arising out of access to the website
Cooling off period: Not applicable
Complaints process: Please email the Manager at info@klight.co.za.

General Terms

These terms of use constitute the whole agreement between you and us relating to your website use.

No indulgence, extension of time, waiver or relaxation of any of the provisions or terms of these terms and conditions which we may show, grant or allow you shall operate as an estoppel against us in respect of its rights under these website terms and conditions nor shall it constitute a waiver by us of any of our rights and we shall not thereby be prejudiced or stopped from exercising any of its rights against you which may have arisen in the past or which might arise in the future.

Applicable laws

These Terms will in all respects be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa. You submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Republic of South Africa.


Failure or neglect by us to enforce at any time these Terms, will not be construed as a waiver of its rights, nor will such failure or neglect in anyway effect the validity or the whole or any part of these Terms, nor prejudice our rights to take subsequent action.

Entire agreement

These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between us both in respect of the subject matter of these terms and conditions.


Please address any queries to the Manager at email address info@klight.co.za.